
联邦政府已经采纳了 新规则 requiring educational institutions to disclose specific information related to distance education and correspondence programs. The various required disclosures are outlined below.

国家授权 and Consumer Complaints

The 威尼斯人平台 is committed to complying with other states' authorization regulations. The list below identifies the states in which Redlands is authorized to enroll students, 被批准的项目, and the appropriate state 年龄ncy through which students of that state may file complaints.

Students are encour年龄d to bring complaints directly to University administration, 不过也可以直接投诉 年龄ncies listed below.


状态 机构名称和投诉程序链接 授权项目
阿拉斯加 阿拉斯加高等教育委员会 工商管理硕士
亚利桑那州 亚利桑那州 状态 Board for Private Postsecondary Education M英航MAEd
加州 加州 Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education M英航MAEd
科罗拉多州 科罗拉多高等教育系 MBA
特拉华州 特拉华州高等教育办公室 M英航MAEd
夏威夷 夏威夷 Post-Secondary Education Authorization Program, Department of Commerce & 消费者事务 M英航MAEd
爱达荷州 爱达荷州教育委员会 M英航MAEd
伊利诺斯州 伊利诺伊州高等教育委员会 M英航MAEd
肯塔基州 肯塔基州高等教育委员会 MBA
路易斯安那州 路易斯安那州董事会 MBA
缅因州 缅因州 Department of Education, Office of Higher Education Services MBA
密西西比州 密西西比州 Commission on College 认证 MBA
蒙大拿 蒙大拿 University System, 蒙大拿 Board of Regents M英航MAEd
内布拉斯加州 内布拉斯加州 Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education M英航MAEd
内华达 内华达州高等教育委员会 M英航MAEd
新汉普郡 新汉普郡 Department of Education, Division of Higher Education, Higher Education Commission M英航MAEd
新泽西 新泽西州高等教育委员会 M英航MAEd
北卡罗莱纳 The University of 北卡罗莱纳 Board of Governors M英航MAEd
俄亥俄州 俄亥俄州校董会 M英航MAEd
俄克拉何马州 俄克拉荷马州高等教育摄政委员会 M英航MAEd
罗德岛州 罗德岛州 Board of Governors for Higher Education MBA
南卡罗来纳 南卡罗来纳 Commission on Higher Education MBA
南达科塔州 南达科他州州务卿 M英航MAEd
田纳西州 田纳西州 Higher Education Commission, Division of Postsecondary School Authorization M英航MAEd
德州 德州高等教育协调委员会 M英航MAEd
犹他州 犹他州消费者保护部门 M英航MAEd
佛蒙特州 佛蒙特州 状态 Board of Education, 佛蒙特州 Department of Education MBA
维吉尼亚州 维吉尼亚州 状态 Council of Higher Education, Private & 州外高等教育 M英航MAEd
华盛顿 华盛顿学生成就委员会 M英航MAEd
西维吉尼亚州 西维吉尼亚州 Higher Education Policy Commission MBA
怀俄明 怀俄明州教育部 M英航MAEd


The 威尼斯人平台 is only authorized to offer educational programs in the states as listed above. If you plan to move to a state not listed above and continue in your 当前的 program, please consult with the appropriate state 年龄ncy in your new state of residence about possible consequences.

Consumer Complaints in the 状态 of 加州

Redlands provides an opportunity for enrolled students and the public in general to submit academic and non-academic complaints. The policy, process, and procedures for submitting complaints is outlined in the 学生行为及投诉 页面.

Students residing in the state of 加州 are encour年龄d to bring complaints directly to University administration, 不过也可以直接投诉 加州 Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education.


截至9月15日, 2017, the 威尼斯人平台 distance education programs have no previous, 当前的, or pending adverse actions initiated by any state 年龄ncies.

Adverse Actions initiated by an Accrediting Agency

截至9月15日, 2017, the 威尼斯人平台 distance education programs have no previous, 当前的, or pending adverse actions initiated by any accrediting 年龄ncies.


The 威尼斯人平台’ refund policy complies with federal guidelines (per 大学目录):

Students who withdraw or take a leave of absence from the University during an academic term may receive prorated aid and tuition based on their federally required withdrawal calculation. The withdrawal calculation reevaluates aid eligibility at the time of withdrawal by accounting for “earned” versus “unearned” aid based on the amount of time that has elapsed during the term. There are three steps that the 威尼斯人平台 must complete to comply with the federal policy:

1. 确定退出日期

2. 确定获得联邦援助的金额

3. Return unearned federal funds to the appropriate program(s)

The withdrawal date is the date the student gives official notification of his or her intent to withdraw. For the withdrawal to be considered official, the student must provide written notification to the Registrar’s Office after consultation with his or her Student Services Man年龄r. 如果学生没有正式退学, the applicable date will become the midpoint of the term, unless the University can document a later date. 在某些情况下, if a later date of last academic activity is substantiated, this date can be used in lieu of the midpoint of the term.  Students who withdraw before completing at least 60 percent of the term will “earn” funds in direct proportion to the time they were enrolled. The percent年龄 of earned aid is determined by dividing the total number of calendar days enrolled by the total number of days in the term. Students who complete at least 60 percent of the term are eligible for 100 percent of their federal financial aid. Unearned aid must be returned to the appropriate programs in accordance with the calculations schedule approved by the U.S. 教育部长. Refunds to specific Title IV programs will be made according to 当前的 regulations.


The 威尼斯人平台 is regionally accredited by the 西部威尼斯人平台和学院协会.

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