
The 威尼斯人平台 MBA with a concentration in 地理位置分析 combines advanced business competencies with focused use of location analytics concepts and techniques.







12 - 24个月
9 - 12门课程




职业生涯 & 专业发展


参观 学生金融服务办公室网站 for the most up-to-date tuition and fee schedules.

Graduates are prepared to use the power of location intelligence to lead 21st century businesses and organizations 通过掌握技能来:

  • Incorporate location analytics into different areas of business, 包括战略, 市场营销, 操作, 销售, 信息系统, 金融, 人力资源
  • Identify the role that location analytics can play in different business sectors for competitive advant年龄 on a local, 区域, 国家, 全球范围内
  • Employ location intelligence to strengthen critical thinking and empower man年龄rs and leaders to make more effective decisions

A Cutting-Edge University-Industry Partnership

The 威尼斯人平台 has established the 空间商业中心空间商业计划 with Esri, the global leader in GIS and mapping software. This unique partnership has created a leading center for the study of location analytics and provides students with unparalleled access to insights, 案例研究, 现实世界的经验, 空间商业发展, and career connections that no other MBA program offers.

Over 90% of companies believe location intelligence  is crucial to their success.


In addition to the core and foundational MBA coursework, students completing the MBA with a concentration in 地理位置分析 will need to complete the following elective courses:

GISB 691: Introduction to 地理位置分析 and 市场营销 (4)

Students are introduced to the fundamentals of location analytics, including location value and spatial maturity and growth across business functions. 从基本面出发, the course focuses on the domain of 市场营销 with focus on 市场营销 applications of GIS and location analytics to enhance customer value by understanding, 检查, and predicting the needs and preferences of the modern customer. 主题包括环境扫描, 市场细分, 目标营销和促销, and development of an integrated 市场营销 plan using GIS as an analytic tool.

GISB 692: Spatial Analysis of 全球业务 (4)

This course offers an analysis of location value and value chains as they relate to contemporary business 操作, 现代生产网络, 在一个复杂的供应链, 全球环境. Emphasis is on employing GIS for spatial analysis of country characteristics to gain important insights to global production and 销售 decisions, as businesses increasingly focus on inter国家 markets. Topics include GIS analysis of inter国家 trade and foreign direct investments, spatial assessment of global industry sectors, man年龄ment of global supply chains and logistics using GIS, spatial analysis of global human resources, and financial forces influencing inter国家 business. May be substituted by INTB 670: Inter国家 Area Studies (Study Abroad)

GISB 694: 地理位置分析 and Decision-Making (4)

This course focuses on decision-making spanning various st年龄s of the location value chain in businesses employing GIS and location analytics. Emphasis is on illustrations of the process by which GIS and location analytics projects and business applications are planned, 发达, 和实施. Topics include location analytics and spatial enablement in the enterprise, 空间决策支持, 位置分析以检查大数据, 社交媒体, 物联网, mobile technologies 和ir spatial components, 和成本, 好处, 风险, and ethical implications of spatial projects and applications.

GISB 695: Managing and Leading the Contemporary Spatial Business (4)

This course is the culmination of the location analytics concentration, with a focus on man年龄ment and leadership aspects of the contemporary spatial business enterprise. Emphasis is on application of man年龄ment principles for spatial transformation and development and prototyping of spatial strategies for competitive advant年龄 spanning the organizational value chain. Topics include needs assessment for GIS strategy implementation, 位置分析策略, cost-benefit analysis and return on investment of spatial investments, and championing and leading a 21st century spatially infused workforce.