For Alumni

Johnston keeps in touch with our alumni, and we frequently invite them to visit and tell us how their Johnston education has impacted their approach to work, community, scholarship, activism, art and music. To inquire about visiting Johnston, contact our director. Every five years, Johnston hosts a reunion called "Renewal" for Johnston College/Center graduates, faculty, and staff from ALL years. The next one is tentatively scheduled for February 2024.

To connect with other Johnston Alumni, contact

What Makes Johnston Alumni Great at What They Do?

  1. Johnston alumni know how to negotiate. Our contracted learning asks students to negotiate with their professors every semester.
  2. Johnston alumni know how to work collaboratively. Our community center works on consensus. That means that in order to get stuff done, Johnston students have to work with others.
  3. Johnston alumni are life-long learners. Because Johnston alumni took ownership of their own educations, they know how to learn new things.
  4. Johnston alumni take initiative. At Johnston, we believe in solving problems with creative solutions. Johnston alumni know how to look at a situation that isn't working and work with others to make it better.

Dear Alumni...

In the 50-plus years since our founding, the world around us has changed in profound ways. Yet, one constant has remained: the Johnston Center for Integrative Studies stands committed to a personalized education grounded in community and consensus.

From 1969 to the present, the promise of an individualized education within a community context remains strong. This kind of education is rare, and growing rarer everyday as cookie cutter educational "standards" are encroaching upon any possibility of learning in an individualized and holistic fashion.

At Johnston, we are fiercely committed to protecting the vision that was created in 1969. We hope you are, too, and that you will join us in the continued effort to make Johnston the best it can be by donating to the program. You know better than anybody that Johnston makes an impact on lives, and your gift will make sure that it does so for a long time to come.

Making a gift each year is an impactful way to show pride in your affiliation with the Johnston Center, and makes a difference in the academic experience of current students and gives us a vote of confidence in the power of the Johnston experience. Regardless of the size of your gift, your participation is important in helping us sustain and enrich the educational opportunities and community activities for current and future students.